This item is for one Hitachi HTS545032B9A302 0A78253 DA3350 (0A58758 DA2740C) 220 0A90161 01 320gb Sata PCB. This is for the printed circuit board for this exact model drive and not the complete drive. Once they have passed our Quality control they are in 100% perfect working condition!
You will get this exact item with these exact details when specified by the items serial number (SN):
If no exact item is requested you will get the first item in the listing:
Model: HTS545032B9A302
PN: 0A78253
MLC: DA3350
SN: IX0070962DWMA
Date: FEB-10
Apple# 655-1539D
Product of Thailand
Cap: 320gb
Board number on label: 0A58758 DA2740C Pzx003 11HK
Board number on PCB: 220 0A90161 01
Model: HTS545032B9A302
PN: 0A78253
MLC: DA3350
Date: FEB-10
Apple# 655-1539D
Product of Thailand
Cap: 320gb
Board number on label: 0A58758 DA2740C P6f007 0KWY
Board number on PCB: 220 0A90161 01
Model: HTS545032B9A302
PN: 0A78253
MLC: DA3350
Date: JAN-10
Apple# 655-1539D
Product of Thailand
Cap: 320gb
Board number on label: 0A58758 DA2740C XzF952 0PVM
Board number on PCB: 220 0A90161 01