This item is for one Fujitsu MHV2080AT PL CA06557-B35300C1 09DE6A-008300A1 (CA26332-B43104BA) 80gb IDE PCB. This is for the printed circuit board for this exact model drive and not the complete drive. Once they have passed our Quality control they are in 100% perfect working condition!
You will get this exact item with these exact details:
If no exact item is requested you will get the first item in the listing:
Model: MHV2080AT PL
PN: CA06557-B35300C1
Rev No. A (Double line through 0 1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SN: NS90T5C28F1J
Date: 2005-12
Cap: 80gb
Board number on label: VBL5Z99AXA
Board number on PCB: CA26332-B43104BA
Item: 360279140763
Model: MHT2080AT PL
PN: CA06557-B35300C1
Rev No. A (Double line through 0 1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SN: NS90T5C28GL1
Date: 2005-12
Cap: 80gb
Board number on label: VBL5ZG902R
Board number on PCB: CA26332-B43104BA
Item: 190409698818